Flatbread, Saffron of San Gimignano d.o.p. and buffalo tenderloin | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Flatbread, Saffron of San Gimignano d.o.p. and buffalo tenderloin

9 Luppoli Belgian Blanche.
Easy 20 min
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Recipe ingredients:

(for 4 people)

500 g of wheat flour type 00
100 g of lard
8 g of salt
63 g of milk
15 g of yeast
63 g of warm water

Buffalo tenderloin
A buffalo fillet
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Dried oregano to taste

Cream of Saffron of San Gimignano d.o.p.
2 g saffron of San Gimignano d.o.p.
200 g of fresh cream
Salt to taste
Tomato confit
4 slices of tomato
2 basil leaves
2 g of salt
3 g of sugar
Side dish
Salad to taste



Mix together all ingredients, taking care that the salt does not come into contact with the yeast and let the dough to rest, then roll it out in a layer thick enough, get the flatbreads and cook them on a gribble.

Buffalo tenderloin
Clean and degrease the fillet, then roast it with extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, dried oregano and cook until pink

Cream of Saffron of San Gimignano d.o.p.
Bring to boil the fresh cream with salt and saffron

Tomato confit
Stew the tomatos in the oven at 60° C for 2 hours, sprinkle with sal, sugar and chopped basil



Fill the flatbread with buffalo tenderloin sliced ​​thin, cream of Saffron of San Gimignano and tomato confit, close booklet-like and serve the salad aside.