Orecchiette pasta, cuttlefish and Luganega of Trentino | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Orecchiette pasta, cuttlefish and Luganega of Trentino

9 Luppoli American IPA.
Medium 40 min
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Recipe ingredients:

(for 4 people)

100 g of cuttlefish
70 g of sliced Luganega of Trentino (sausage)
160 g of orecchiette pasta
Dry Martini to taste
Fish broth to taste
Salt to taste
Pepe to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Chives to taste


Clean the cuttlefish, julienne it, season with salt and pepper, blanch in a pan over high heat, then remove them and deglaze with dry martini, after that in the same pan pour a ladle of fish broth and add the orecchiette pasta, drained a few minutes before proper cooking, complete adding the cuttlefish julienne and whisk with a little extra virgin olive oil.
In another pan blanch the slices of Luganega of Trentino until they become golden.


Place the orecchiette with cuttlefish in the plate, place the slices of Luganega of Trentino and garnish with chives and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.