Soup of spawning and cockled of Roman coast | Birrificio Angelo Poretti
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Soup of spawning and cockled of Roman coast

9 Luppoli Belgian Blanche.
Medium 40 min
DISCOVER PORETTI 9 Luppoli Belgian Blanche >>

Recipe ingredients:

(for 4 people)
300 g purged cockles of the Roman coast
320 g of spawning
1 dl of white wine
30 g of chopped parsley
Parsley stems to taste
A clove of garlic
Salt to taste
White pepper q.b
Extra virgin olive oil to taste


Open the cockles of the Roman coast on the fire in a saucepan with garlic, parsley stems, extra virgin olive oil and white wine, then strain the cooking liquid (to pass through a chinois strainer) and shell them. Lightly toast the spawning in another saucepan, pouring water and a pinch of salt and cook it like a risotto by adding the filtered cooking liquid of cockles and when cooked stir in a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and chopped parsley, adjusting the flavor.


Serve in bowls with a pinch of white pepper.